When there is money involved, emotions involved, personality involved, egos involved, the unknown involved, it can lead to stress in a real estate transaction. 

Some Seller and Buyer Stresses

  • What if no one wants to buy our home?
  • Can we afford this home?
  • Did we price our home correctly?
  • Was our offer strong enough?
  • Will the sellers accept our offer?
  • What if we can’t find a home?
  • What is the inspection report going to say?
  • How much is it going to cost to fix these repairs?
  • What is the appraisal going to say?
  • Will I get my earnest money back if…
  • What will happen if…
  • How much will ____ cost?

That is why being an informed and educated buyer/seller, and communication, is so important. It is important to ask all of the questions you have. As your REALTOR®, I will represent you and do my personal best to guide you through this journey, keep in communication with you, negotiate, keep us on a timeline, direct you to experts, and answer all of your questions. If I do not have the answer to your question, I will direct you to an expert in the field (lender, title company, inspection, contractor…)

Here are Some Tips That Have Helped Me When I Get into Stressful Situations

  • Exercise: Even something as simple as going for a walk down the block, or stretching, can help you think about something else. I enjoy going to the gym in the early morning and either do slow and gradual cardio for an hour, or do strength training for an hour. By counting the reps I do, or looking at the “time remaining” while doing the exercise helps me. I enjoy this because this is an hour I get to take to work on myself. I do pair this with some upbeat techno music to help keep me moving. However, sometimes heavy metal does the trick as well.
  • Unplug: For me, unplugging means taking a step away from technology for a moment. Other people believe that unplugging from the situation means to step towards technology.
  • Hit The Road: Sometimes when I am in a stressful situation, I just need to drive. Sometimes music helps me out when I am stressed out and driving, but other times, I don’t have the radio. The sound of just driving on the road to me can be calming.
  • Practice Gratitude: This is pretty powerful. Changing my mindset in the situation, and thinking about what I am thankful for helps tremendously.

I am so thankful that you have chosen me to be a part of your real estate journey. During the journey, there may be times that are stressful. However, I will be right there with you!

Considering buying a home in surrounding areas of Tyler, TX? I just might be the right fit! Hit the "Call Kelly"  button, or fill out the contact information today!

Kelly Raulston

“Reliable and Ready” REALTOR® since 2016. I was born in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, but was raised in Texas since 1997. When I found out we were moving to Plano, Texas, I remember looking forward to riding a horse to school and a brand-new pair of cowboy boots! Growing up in Plano prepared me to be competitive, quick, and to have a strong work ethic. I graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. Axe’em Jacks! That is where my love for East Texas began. The nature, warm smiles, football games, and community values can't be beat! I graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. I was a middle school math teacher in Tyler, Texas. I met my husband, Travis, in Sunday school, and we have been married since September 2016. I love being a REALTOR® in East Texas! Relationships are genuine, the area is beautiful, and the market is rockin’! I am an involved REALTOR® to better the community. Some of the organizations I am involved with are: The Professional Development Committee, Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee, and Tyler Educational Networking Group. Some awards I have won were “The Hustle Award” in 2016, and “Rookie of the Year” in 2017. When I am not working with my clients, I like to spend quality time with my friends and family doing the following: running, target practice, read and participate in book club, and playing with my dachshund Greta.
972-989-0057 Contact Kelly