The House Of Christmas | G.K. Chesterton"There fared a mother driven forthOut of an inn to roam;In the place where she was homelessAll men are at home.The crazy stable close at hand,With shaking timber and shifting sand,Grew a stronger thing to abide and standThan the square stones of Rome.For men are homesick in their homes,And... More
5 Ways to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse from Texas RealtorsGet In Your CarHave you considered drive time? Take a practice drive during busy times (morning and evening rush hour).Take a WalkSpend time in the neighborhood to check if there is a lot of road or construction noise nearby.Look Beyond StagingA well-staged house can highlight some features,... More
Normally, when people are looking for a home, they usually start online. Especially with all of the websites, apps, emails, buyers have more opportunities to see homes from the comfort of their own home.However, open houses are still prevalent, and still a great way to see the home!Why?1. People need people.One of the reasons REALTORS®... More
Daylight Savings TimeIt will get darker earlierso showing times need to be adjustedHunting SeasonInspectors, Surveyors, Appraisers will take time off..SCHEDULE ASAP>>>THE GAME CHANGER <<<Some title companies will be CLOSED on NON-HOLIDAY DAYSYou must take that into account for closing day!How can you best prepare for this time of year?Plan for it!Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!Do not assume anything!Check... More
Thanksgiving Ode, November 15th, 1888. By James McIntyre September came and with it frost The season's pasture it seemed lost, And the wondrous yield of corn Of its green beauty it was shorn. Frost it came like early robber, But gentle rains came in October, Which were absorbed by grateful soil; With green once more the pastures smile. And cows again are happy seen Enjoying... More
Check the...local newspaperdriving around your favorite neighborhoodsonline websites appsIf a REALTOR® is going to be hosting an open house, they will most likely advertise!When Do Open Houses Typically Occur?When I host an open house, it is typically a 2-3 hour time slot anywhere between 10:00 am-4:00 pm on the weekend.As you approach the weekend, I... More
If you are ever torn between choosing from mutliple Realtors to either help you Purchase a HomeorSell a HomeAn EASY and COST EFFECTIVE WAY to determine where these Realtors priorities lie...go to their social media accounts!Because then you will see how they will....Market HomeMain FocusIf their priorties line up with your priorites, then it could be... More
PILLOWSCan add color or crest neutral cohesivenessAlso helps create height and interestBLANKETSInstantly create a cozy homey feelCOFFEE CUPAdds color and familiarityGLASSESAdd a sense of belonging, intellect, and ownershipBOOKSAdd color and heightCOFFEE MAKERHow many people wake up and make a cup of coffee? Personal touch to a countertop!GREENERYCreates freshness and allows other colors to popCANDLESWarmth and... More
Do you typically have an annual Halloween party?If so, we need to communicate.If this is something that could be rescheduled for next year in your new home, great!If celebrating Halloween in your current home is a non-negotiable, I respect that.With your party, try to think about food items, and décor items, that will be easier... More
Look, Eminem said it best. "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime."ONELooking for a real estate expert that can help you with that "one shot"? I'm ready when you are!