Many people do have mirrors in the bedroom. A lot of the time, people have mirrors in the bedroom to check your reflection before you go out the door. Also, mirrors are a great way to bring in more natural light from the windows. From when I could remember, when I was growing up, I had a mirror in my bedroom.
Then, I met my husband.
When we moved in together, my husband told me that we could not have a mirror in the bedroom. I was completely shocked, and I asked him why. He told me the reason why we couldn’t have a mirror in the bedroom was because it causes nightmares.
I thought it was totally weird, but if he was not for it, I was willing to compromise and not have a mirror in the bedroom.
It turns out that per feng shui, if you are having difficultly sleeping, one of the possibilities could be a mirror in your bedroom. “The reason for this it that mirrors are very yang energy. Mirrors reflect images and light and can create too much energy for this restful place.” Mirrors in the Bedroom - Yes or No? If you are having issues sleeping, you can either cover the mirror, or remove the mirror; especially the mirror is facing the bed.
But, if you have no problem sleeping most nights, and are not plagued with nightmares, then mirrors are fine! 10 Feng Shui Rules for Decorating With Mirrors
So, have you been sleeping well the past few days?
If yes, then don't change what you're doing!
If not, and you have a mirror in your bedroom, maybe cover it and see what happens?